Competitor analysis


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Why Bother?

Design should be a key component of all of your digital marketing. It needs to be much more intelligent than just colours and pictures. Design should take into account our understanding of psychology, behaviour, user experience and neuroscience processes to understand the triggers of the brain when it comes into contact with your marketing.

Where to start?

This can be a bit of a specialist area to tackle, so it's often best to consult with a professional, but a good place to start is to aim to have every single piece of marketing and every page on your website as a stand-alone piece that needs to address all the needs of your clients and potential customers.

Your website visitors won't spend long digging around trying to find information, so you must give them everything they need in one location with nice clear links between different areas. Imagine a shopping website without links to related items, or a video based website without related videos and imagine how little time you would spend on those sites. As it happens, each page is loaded with related items which draws you to view something else of interest. Aim for a network of interlinking content and material that is closely related with one another to help guide people from one area to the next.

Useful tips:

  • Make sure you have lots of nice big, graphical calls to action on all your marketing, especially where you're expecting high volumes of customers or traffic.
  • Don't expect your prospects and customers to have to think about anything - structure each page to address the audience's needs, attitudes, and emotions to help them identify if they should buy from you.
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